The Day I Quit My Job in a Halloween Costume

2016 was a big year.

I graduated with my Bachelor’s degree, got hired as a corporate accountant working for a CFO of a large company, got engaged, and then proceeded to quit the above mentioned job in a crayon costume on Halloween. Yes – a Crayola crayon costume. 

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There I was in an ordered black crayon costume (pointy hat and all) telling the CFO who had just hired me six months before that I would be putting in my notice. Sitcom status anybody?!?

I quit to begin my own business. I also quit the expectation of a 10-hour work day norm. And this is how InLine Accounting officially started. My current “day job” helping small businesses and entrepreneurs with their bookkeeping needs in a modern and efficient way. I had a certain needed skill set  (nobody likes accounting!) and an entrepreneurial passion that had been floating around in my head for the few months prior to leaving the corporate gig.

Now I’m not exactly sure how the workforce will evolve over the next decade, but I do know the meaning of ‘going to work’ is evolving as things naturally do. Productivity and idea generation should be the goal – not how many hours of overtime were spent at the office. What do you guys think?

xx Gigi

If you want to read more on the topic of work, I really enjoyed this article: Scrap Your Work From Home Policy